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Showing posts from 2011

How to get all Store Procedure name through SQL or How to get all sp names through sql

Dear All here is a solution if you need to know overall sql procedure using under one database select ROUTINE_NAME from DatabaseName.information_schema.routines where routine_type = 'PROCEDURE' please change the "DatabaseName" with your database in the top line Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami 

Error: Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005' Operation not Allowed

You may receive a 403 error when you use an ASP request to upload a large file in Internet Information Services To resolve this issue, modify the value in the AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed property to set the maximum number of bytes that are permitted in the entity body of an ASP request. To do this, follow these steps: At a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER: cd drive:\inetpub\adminscripts by default you can find inetpub under c drive Note In this command to change folders, drive is a placeholder for the hard disk where IIS is installed. At a command prompt, type the following command, and then press ENTER: cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/ASPMaxRequestEntityAllowed 1,073,741,824 Note In this command, size is a placeholder for the largest file size upload that you want to allow. The maximum value is 1,073,741,824 bytes. Set this value to the lowest possible value that allows for the functionality that you want. At a command prompt, typ...

'Web.HttpContext' is not defined. In DNN Chat Module

Dear Readers When you install the dnn chat module it will show the error In App_Code\Chat\DnnChatCodeHelper.vb Line 308: Try Line 309: Dim ctx As Web.HttpContext = Web.HttpContext.Current Line 310: Dim lvstrImageRoot As String = String.Empty Line 311: oCache = ctx.Cache.Get(key) Detailed compiler output says: App_Code\Chat\DnnChatCodeHelper.vb(309) : error BC30002: Type 'Web.HttpContext' is not defined. Solution open the file DnnChatCodeHelper.vb  w hich is located under the folder of App_code\Chat DirectoryName:\\DNNDirectory\App_Code\Chat Search  Dim ctx As Web.HttpContext = Web.HttpContext.Current and change to Dim ctx As System.Web.HttpContext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current Now it will work Regards Rashid Bilgrami

3d Jquery Library Don't miss it

Dear Readers  During  Creating a 3D carousel from scratch  blog writting i found one library that helps you to create the jquery animation very easily check out the below link for it Regards  Rashid Imran Bilgrami 

How to write Arabic in Adobe CS 5

Dear Readers I found a good website resource that helps you to write the ARABIC in Adobe cs 5 Here is the URL you can easily write arabic in cs5 by getting the Adobe Middle east version or Use Adobe photoshop CS (only) for it Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami 

How to get Paypal Live API Credential

Dear Friends With Paypal if you are new for getting the API key you directly go to the Merchant service and you did not get the API credential option what you are looking Here is the Way so you can get the API Credential 1) Visit 2) Login with your business account 3) Click on My account 4) Click on the Profile (do not click on the sub menu) 5) Click on "My Selling Tools" 6) Click on API update button under the section of " Selling Info " 7) If you need to view the API key select the view option otherwise generate the new API key and password I hope it save your time Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami 

3241 Error Using MS SQL 2008

Hi! Guys i found the another solution I have face the error and every one tell the things different reasons but actually there are two major reasons for this error 1) You restore the version from Lower version to higher version (mean you get the back from SQL 2010 or SQL 2008 and restore in SQL 2005) 2) Your SQL server is 2008 or 2010 instance name on SQL 2005 Which is very rear but its happening with me and i found the solution here And this solution is providing by IanlovesFrame How you identify it Open your sql server and check the instance name Check out selected area in the screenshot there is a 9.xxxx value that mean this instance name is for SQL 2005 Why this error arrived  If you have SQL 2005 before and you are installing SQL 2008 then it automatically select the 2005 instance name. Just select the new instance name for 2008 and the proble...

How to delete all user in dnn or dotnetnuke database

Dear Reader This research created goes to one of my friend SABA ADIL, A very old PAL he is the one how need to delete the all dnn user from that database. and after a research he work hard and find a solution and i am thankful for him to allow me to include his research in to my blog :) Thanks Mat! come to the point now :) How to remove all users from the DNN 4.x  1) Step one Made all user as UNAUTHORIZE through the custom SP this SP effect the table on UserPortals and the Users you need to collect the user id from users and through sql query you need to update the UserPortal Authorization field true to false 2) Change admin and host Authorization manually to true 3) Go to Admin > Users > Delete all unauthorized users Now your all users will be deleted from the table And thanks once again for SABA ADIL :D Cheer up man! rocks Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami 

Create Custom DNN Skin Objects

Dear Reader Today i got an article for the Developing and Implementing  DNN Skin Objects Click here to view or copy and past the URL Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami

Multi Language Website In DNN Or Content Localization in DNN

Dear Readers Before that when we create the Multi Language website in dnn we always create two portal but with DNN 5.x version you will use the language resource for creating multi language website website You are facing two major challenges to create Multi language website 1) Translation of the DNN controls in to local language 2) Translate your own pages navigation or menu in to multi languages 3) Translate your own custom content in to local language 4) Translate your custom modules in to the local languages Lets start with the first challange Challenge 1: Translation of the DNN controls in to local language  This is an easiest part, you can follow the steps achieve this challenge 1) Login with your host/Admin  account 2) Go to the Admin / Languages 3) Click on ADD Languages 4) Select the language that you need and Add it 5) You will see now two languages in your language section 6) With the list you will see ...

Display RSS feed Through ASP

Sub getRSS(NoOfResult,RssURL) Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0") xmlHttp.Open "Get", RssURL, false xmlHttp.Send() myXML = xmlHttp.ResponseText Set xmlResponse = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.4.0") xmlResponse.async = false xmlResponse.LoadXml(myXML) Set xmlHttp = Nothing Set objLst = xmlResponse.getElementsByTagName("item") Set xmlResponse = Nothing intNoOfHeadlines = objLst.length -1 For i = 0 To (intNoOfHeadlines) Set     objHdl = objLst.item(i) for each child in objHdl.childNodes Select case lcase(child.nodeName)     case "title"           title = child.text     case "link"           link = child.text     case "description"           description = child.text      'You can also use the following: author,category,comments,enclosure,guid,pubDate,source End Select next    Count = Count+...

How to remove sugerCRM footer

Dear Readers if you need to remove the sugerCRM footer then follow this Open the file  include/MVC/Views/SugarView.php change the line var $options = array('show_header' => true, 'show_title' => true, 'show_subpanels' => true, 'show_search' => true, 'show_footer' => false, 'show_javascript' => true, 'view_print' => false,); 'show_footer' => false By default its is true  Regards  Rashid Imran Bilgrami

SugarCRM Footer Logo Remove & SugerCRM violation Message Remove

Hi Reader, Let us discuss about how to remove the SugarCRM Footer logo.. You all are aware of the power of the SugarCRM Tool and also must be very eager to remove the footer in order to make it look more professional. So below mentioned are some tricks for removing the footer from SugarCRM Community edition. 1)  O pen-modules/Administration/ updater_utils.php Add-exit() ; in between   function check_now()   and   return . any where By doing this u can remove 'powered by sugar crm' footer logo. 2) Go to  modules/Trackers/Tracker.php, line 128, in the 'logPage' function. Drop the 'echo' statement. 3) Now to root(Sugarfolder)\include\mvc\view\sugarview.php and modify the line array(show header => true, show subpanel => true...........and so on) and make the changes to showfooter=>true to  showfooter=>false Now how you remove the violation  Go to include /utils/ mvc_utils.php and remove the line or code b...

HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error An unknown FastCGI error occured

Dear Reader I have post before how to install the PHP and ASP on windows vista here today i got one more issue that is view previous blog here  HTTP Error 500.0 -  Internal Server Error  An unknown FastCGI error occured  The error is same that because of extension is not installed in the IIS today i got another reason that is if your Installed PHP directory did not have the full permission then it also appears so make sure it after installation of PHP in the directory give the full right on it Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami  

Get rid of Office visio 2003 Installation / configuration dialog box

Hi Guys! Last week i installed the office 2007 and office 2003 visio together and after that when i run any program it shows me the popup again and again that make me crazy and after a long search i found the answer. Here are the steps 1. Download and install SubinAcl. from ( ) Note: After installation you need go to the folder and set the permission to Administrator or your current user as a folder owner. 2. Locate the install folder (default is Program Files/Windows Resource Kits/Tools/) 3. Open Notepad through start . Note pade 4. Add the lines you need for your applications (you can find the lines bellow) subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f  subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f  subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f /grant=system...

Server Application Unavailable in .net dnn installation

If you found the error Server Application Unavailable The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable.  Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request. Administrator Note:  An error message detailing the cause of this specific request failure can be found in the application event log of the web server. Please review this log entry to discover what caused this error to occur. The problem is simple that your .net version is 1.1 you may need to register 2.0 or higher version  Problem will be resolved  Regards  Rashid Imran Bilgrami 

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0139'

When trying to add a Flash.swf movie to a .ASP page you will sometimes get the following error: Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0139' Nested Object /cli/context.planning/pw/introduction/index.asp, line 88 An object tag cannot be placed inside another object tag. Solution  The solution is very simple just change the close object positions Default Position:  I am not writing the full parameters here <  object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="1000" height="250"   > --- Your Flash parameters---  <      object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="bann-in.swf" width="1000" height="250"      > --- Your Flash parameters--- < /   object   > < /   object   > Updated Position:  <  object id="FlashID" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11...

Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_filter.dll” failed

Dear Readers if you get the error Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_filter.dll” failed Here is the solution  Get a command prompt in administrator mode and go to C:\Windows\Microsoft .NET\FrameWork64\ and run aspnet_regiis -r . This will re-register the right libraries. It has happened twice already to me. For other frameworks (32 bit or other versions of .net make sure you go to the correct folder (i.e. Framework/, etc.) xxxx is the the number which is present with the folder name so i suggest you guys to check the folder name in your directory If " run aspnet_regiis -r " is not working and if you get the error run is not recognized command then just type "  aspnet_regiis -r " it will run fine Reason of problem Your frame work has been change may be you have install the lower version on the higher version or may be because of any reason you have register another version...

Write Arabic Language In PHP Code

Normally when you call the arabic text through your PHP then it shows you block [][][] like this the solution is simple: Your Arabic PHP code Instead of using the Your arabic PHP code you will use your PHP field Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami

Disable Submit Button In DNN Form / listing Module Or How to enable Form / Listing DNN module button

If you implement the Form and Listing dnn or dotnetnuke module then first time you shocked when you logged out the submit button will disabled Solution: Just go to the settings (Module setting not the form and list settings) Click on All user under Create Record/ Submit Form (the first option under permission) Update it once you log out see the submit button will enable Regards Rashid Bilgrami

Flash Drop down menu over HTML page

Dear readers If you need to Put flash drop down menu over the normal HTML then you can do in this way Create the Master DIV called Your flash code CSS for both div #flashContent {  position:absolute;  width:100%;  height:100%; } .masterFile { Your main div css } Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami CEO Best visualization

DNN CISS.SIDE MENU MEGA 8 Distory The Skin or How to to configure the CISS.SIDE menu properly

Today I have resolve the issue, after the  CISS mega menu implementation the dnn skin css has been destroyed, the solution is simple Solution  Under the /DesktopModules/CISS.SideMenu/styles/CSS MEGA MENU 8 colors there is a file CSS MEGA MENU 8 colors.css  Open this file with any editor and remove or comments the first line /*@import "black/css/reset.css";*/ Here in this example i have commnets the css line  Regards Rashid Bilgrami  CEO  Bestvisualization 

How to display PHP error in Browser By Using IIS7 Settings

Dear friends If you are looking for display the PHP error in the browser by using IIS 7 version the please check the Development Machine Radio Button Under » Configuration Error Reporting section How you access it ---------------------------------- Note this article is supported if you already installed the php through Microsoft Web plateform Installer I recommended to install your PHP through it because its easy and highly effective for advance progamming mode by using windows platform  1) Open you IIS 2) Click on the Site Name under the Sites 3) There is a PHP Manager Under your site settings 4) Click on the Configure error reporting Link Under PHP settings 5) Select the Developer machine Hope it will help you to as well Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami CEO Best visualization  

How to get the value of dotnetnuke rich text editor in code behind or dnn:TextEditor unable to get the value in codebehind or how to get value of dnn:TextEditor in dnn web application project

Well readers, I got another solution today, and the major credit goes to one of my colleague Mr. Furqan Idress he really give me a solid clue to get rid of this issue I faced the problem that i wasn't able to get the dnn:TextEditor value in my code behind variable, i have spend arround 3 hours and i just found the garbage and nothing here is the solution may be you got my blog post and save your time in first attempt if you need to add the DNN Rich text editor or DNN text editor in your web application  then use this code <%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="TextEditor" Src="~/controls/TextEditor.ascx"%> the above code display the test editor in your module  now you need to change the designer.cs file there are 3 files in your  web application project one is pageName.ascx, second one is   pageName.ascx.cs and last one is pageName.ascx.designer.cs  You need to open the third file with the extension  .designer.cs ... Calender Alaways retrun 01/01/0001

Dear Friend when you are using the calender in your application you will by default it returns 01/01/0001 in your Calendar1.SelectedDate or Calendar1.VisibleDate for returning the correct date you need to This is a reported bug with a workaround:  Inspecting the Calendar.VisibleDate or  Calendar1.SelectedDate property the first time a page is rendered always gives: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM. If you navigate to the next or previous month, then the Calendar.Visible or Calendar1.SelectedDate Date property is correct. Solution In the Page_Load, place the following code: If Not Page.IsPostBack Then Calendar1.SelectedDate = Today End If Regards Rashid Bilgrami CEO Best visualization 

Google Web Search Bar is not working with IE or Google CSE is not working with IE

Guys i am facing the strange issue today and at last find the solution then I have install the google web search Customize Search Engine on my client website that is also known as CSE. The problem was really strange, i got the code from the GOOGLE and then put it on the website, the search is working fine with Chrome and Firefox but it will not working with IE 8 and IE 9 I have worked around allot and find the solution that instead of using the Script you need the IFRAME code and it will work with all browsers you will generate the google custom search for web by this link Regards

CS0123: No overload for matches delegate 'System.EventHandler

Well guys if you writting you own custom datalist and want to pass the command parameter with in your data list through asp:linkButton then follow this      Code behind   protected void Lable16_click1(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             LinkButton lb = sender as LinkButton;             string KeyValue = lb.CommandArgument.ToString(); ;              Navigate("recId", KeyValue , "detailPage");         } Orignal post is present here Regards  Rashid Bilgrami  CEO Best visualization

Solution for IE9 or internet explorer 9 failed to open after installation

Hi every one i just install the IE 9.0 and after that when i open it after restarting the computer the browser is failed to open the browser tab The solution is in two step step1: you need to create the internet option shortcute step2: set the Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering* Step1 Create a shortcut for open the internet option 1) Right click on your desktop 2) Click on the create shortcut 3) put this line under the location >        %systemroot%/system32/inetcpl.cpl 4) Type internet option in the name 5) Click ok Step2  Setup the advance option by below steps ·        Click Start ·        Type Internet Options ·        Press Enter on your keyboard ·        Click the Advanced tab ·        Check the Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering* box ·        Click OK ·        O...

Acer 6930 factory reset installation network is not connecting

Today i was mad in resolving the issue to adjust the network connection with my WIFI or wire connection with the wireless switch If you are facing the following issue 1) IPCONFIG /renew (give you error) 2) Network is not connecting to the internet 3) Network is just show local area 4) Network is not showing your proper ip or dhcp provided ip like 192.168.1.XX 5) Network is showing 645.XXX.XXX ip 6) unable to locate your network Sysmtem confirmation Make sure the WIFI or LAN both will not work Solution netsh winsock reset catalog (reset winsock entries) netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt  (reset TCP/IP stack) Rebooted the box, it works great again, however APIPA is still enabled. Oh well. Regards Rashid Bilgrami Best visualization

System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. dnn installation

Today i install the dnn at windows 7 64 bit windows and identify this error System.Security.SecurityException: Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. dnn installation And here it the solution 1) Click on the application pool under the IIS 2) Click on the Defualt pool and click on the advance setting button on the right side   3) change the identity to network Regards Rashid Bilgrami CEO Best visualization