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Showing posts from June, 2011

How to delete all user in dnn or dotnetnuke database

Dear Reader This research created goes to one of my friend SABA ADIL, A very old PAL he is the one how need to delete the all dnn user from that database. and after a research he work hard and find a solution and i am thankful for him to allow me to include his research in to my blog :) Thanks Mat! come to the point now :) How to remove all users from the DNN 4.x  1) Step one Made all user as UNAUTHORIZE through the custom SP this SP effect the table on UserPortals and the Users you need to collect the user id from users and through sql query you need to update the UserPortal Authorization field true to false 2) Change admin and host Authorization manually to true 3) Go to Admin > Users > Delete all unauthorized users Now your all users will be deleted from the table And thanks once again for SABA ADIL :D Cheer up man! rocks Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami 

Create Custom DNN Skin Objects

Dear Reader Today i got an article for the Developing and Implementing  DNN Skin Objects Click here to view or copy and past the URL Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami

Multi Language Website In DNN Or Content Localization in DNN

Dear Readers Before that when we create the Multi Language website in dnn we always create two portal but with DNN 5.x version you will use the language resource for creating multi language website website You are facing two major challenges to create Multi language website 1) Translation of the DNN controls in to local language 2) Translate your own pages navigation or menu in to multi languages 3) Translate your own custom content in to local language 4) Translate your custom modules in to the local languages Lets start with the first challange Challenge 1: Translation of the DNN controls in to local language  This is an easiest part, you can follow the steps achieve this challenge 1) Login with your host/Admin  account 2) Go to the Admin / Languages 3) Click on ADD Languages 4) Select the language that you need and Add it 5) You will see now two languages in your language section 6) With the list you will see ...

Display RSS feed Through ASP

Sub getRSS(NoOfResult,RssURL) Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0") xmlHttp.Open "Get", RssURL, false xmlHttp.Send() myXML = xmlHttp.ResponseText Set xmlResponse = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument.4.0") xmlResponse.async = false xmlResponse.LoadXml(myXML) Set xmlHttp = Nothing Set objLst = xmlResponse.getElementsByTagName("item") Set xmlResponse = Nothing intNoOfHeadlines = objLst.length -1 For i = 0 To (intNoOfHeadlines) Set     objHdl = objLst.item(i) for each child in objHdl.childNodes Select case lcase(child.nodeName)     case "title"           title = child.text     case "link"           link = child.text     case "description"           description = child.text      'You can also use the following: author,category,comments,enclosure,guid,pubDate,source End Select next    Count = Count+...

How to remove sugerCRM footer

Dear Readers if you need to remove the sugerCRM footer then follow this Open the file  include/MVC/Views/SugarView.php change the line var $options = array('show_header' => true, 'show_title' => true, 'show_subpanels' => true, 'show_search' => true, 'show_footer' => false, 'show_javascript' => true, 'view_print' => false,); 'show_footer' => false By default its is true  Regards  Rashid Imran Bilgrami

SugarCRM Footer Logo Remove & SugerCRM violation Message Remove

Hi Reader, Let us discuss about how to remove the SugarCRM Footer logo.. You all are aware of the power of the SugarCRM Tool and also must be very eager to remove the footer in order to make it look more professional. So below mentioned are some tricks for removing the footer from SugarCRM Community edition. 1)  O pen-modules/Administration/ updater_utils.php Add-exit() ; in between   function check_now()   and   return . any where By doing this u can remove 'powered by sugar crm' footer logo. 2) Go to  modules/Trackers/Tracker.php, line 128, in the 'logPage' function. Drop the 'echo' statement. 3) Now to root(Sugarfolder)\include\mvc\view\sugarview.php and modify the line array(show header => true, show subpanel => true...........and so on) and make the changes to showfooter=>true to  showfooter=>false Now how you remove the violation  Go to include /utils/ mvc_utils.php and remove the line or code b...

HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error An unknown FastCGI error occured

Dear Reader I have post before how to install the PHP and ASP on windows vista here today i got one more issue that is view previous blog here  HTTP Error 500.0 -  Internal Server Error  An unknown FastCGI error occured  The error is same that because of extension is not installed in the IIS today i got another reason that is if your Installed PHP directory did not have the full permission then it also appears so make sure it after installation of PHP in the directory give the full right on it Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami  

Get rid of Office visio 2003 Installation / configuration dialog box

Hi Guys! Last week i installed the office 2007 and office 2003 visio together and after that when i run any program it shows me the popup again and again that make me crazy and after a long search i found the answer. Here are the steps 1. Download and install SubinAcl. from ( ) Note: After installation you need go to the folder and set the permission to Administrator or your current user as a folder owner. 2. Locate the install folder (default is Program Files/Windows Resource Kits/Tools/) 3. Open Notepad through start . Note pade 4. Add the lines you need for your applications (you can find the lines bellow) subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f  subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f  subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f /grant=system...