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Here is an example for how to use Left, right and substring function in SQL
Using Right with Reverse String
SELECT RIGHT([String],CHARINDEX('%',REVERSE([String]),0)-1)
Using Left with String
select Left([String],CHARINDEX('%',[String],0)-1)
Using SubString with String
select Substring([String],0,CHARINDEX('%',[String],0))
Rashid Imran Bilgrami
Here is an example for how to use Left, right and substring function in SQL
Using Right with Reverse String
SELECT RIGHT([String],CHARINDEX('%',REVERSE([String]),0)-1)
Using Left with String
select Left([String],CHARINDEX('%',[String],0)-1)
Using SubString with String
select Substring([String],0,CHARINDEX('%',[String],0))
Rashid Imran Bilgrami
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