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Showing posts from March, 2011

DNN CISS.SIDE MENU MEGA 8 Distory The Skin or How to to configure the CISS.SIDE menu properly

Today I have resolve the issue, after the  CISS mega menu implementation the dnn skin css has been destroyed, the solution is simple Solution  Under the /DesktopModules/CISS.SideMenu/styles/CSS MEGA MENU 8 colors there is a file CSS MEGA MENU 8 colors.css  Open this file with any editor and remove or comments the first line /*@import "black/css/reset.css";*/ Here in this example i have commnets the css line  Regards Rashid Bilgrami  CEO  Bestvisualization 

How to display PHP error in Browser By Using IIS7 Settings

Dear friends If you are looking for display the PHP error in the browser by using IIS 7 version the please check the Development Machine Radio Button Under » Configuration Error Reporting section How you access it ---------------------------------- Note this article is supported if you already installed the php through Microsoft Web plateform Installer I recommended to install your PHP through it because its easy and highly effective for advance progamming mode by using windows platform  1) Open you IIS 2) Click on the Site Name under the Sites 3) There is a PHP Manager Under your site settings 4) Click on the Configure error reporting Link Under PHP settings 5) Select the Developer machine Hope it will help you to as well Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami CEO Best visualization  

How to get the value of dotnetnuke rich text editor in code behind or dnn:TextEditor unable to get the value in codebehind or how to get value of dnn:TextEditor in dnn web application project

Well readers, I got another solution today, and the major credit goes to one of my colleague Mr. Furqan Idress he really give me a solid clue to get rid of this issue I faced the problem that i wasn't able to get the dnn:TextEditor value in my code behind variable, i have spend arround 3 hours and i just found the garbage and nothing here is the solution may be you got my blog post and save your time in first attempt if you need to add the DNN Rich text editor or DNN text editor in your web application  then use this code <%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="TextEditor" Src="~/controls/TextEditor.ascx"%> the above code display the test editor in your module  now you need to change the designer.cs file there are 3 files in your  web application project one is pageName.ascx, second one is   pageName.ascx.cs and last one is pageName.ascx.designer.cs  You need to open the third file with the extension  .designer.cs ... Calender Alaways retrun 01/01/0001

Dear Friend when you are using the calender in your application you will by default it returns 01/01/0001 in your Calendar1.SelectedDate or Calendar1.VisibleDate for returning the correct date you need to This is a reported bug with a workaround:  Inspecting the Calendar.VisibleDate or  Calendar1.SelectedDate property the first time a page is rendered always gives: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM. If you navigate to the next or previous month, then the Calendar.Visible or Calendar1.SelectedDate Date property is correct. Solution In the Page_Load, place the following code: If Not Page.IsPostBack Then Calendar1.SelectedDate = Today End If Regards Rashid Bilgrami CEO Best visualization 

Google Web Search Bar is not working with IE or Google CSE is not working with IE

Guys i am facing the strange issue today and at last find the solution then I have install the google web search Customize Search Engine on my client website that is also known as CSE. The problem was really strange, i got the code from the GOOGLE and then put it on the website, the search is working fine with Chrome and Firefox but it will not working with IE 8 and IE 9 I have worked around allot and find the solution that instead of using the Script you need the IFRAME code and it will work with all browsers you will generate the google custom search for web by this link Regards

CS0123: No overload for matches delegate 'System.EventHandler

Well guys if you writting you own custom datalist and want to pass the command parameter with in your data list through asp:linkButton then follow this      Code behind   protected void Lable16_click1(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             LinkButton lb = sender as LinkButton;             string KeyValue = lb.CommandArgument.ToString(); ;              Navigate("recId", KeyValue , "detailPage");         } Orignal post is present here Regards  Rashid Bilgrami  CEO Best visualization