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Hi every one i found a thing at internet that is done through encoding and decoding of text through Java script thanks man you will get the full blog there
Here is the class function of encoding
/example of using the html encode object
// set the type of encoding to numerical entities e.g & instead of &
Encoder.EncodeType = "numerical";
// or to set it to encode to html entities e.g & instead of &
Encoder.EncodeType = "entity";
// HTML encode text from an input element
// This will prevent double encoding.
var encoded = Encoder.htmlEncode(document.getElementById('input'));
// To encode but to allow double encoding which means any existing entities such as
// & will be converted to &
var dblEncoded = Encoder.htmlEncode(document.getElementById('input'),true);
// Decode the now encoded text
var decoded = Encoder.htmlDecode(encoded);
// Check whether the text still contains HTML/Numerical entities
var containsEncoded = Encoder.hasEncoded(decoded);
I have apply this class and upload the code on my server
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Rashid Bilgrami
CEO Best visualization
Hi every one i found a thing at internet that is done through encoding and decoding of text through Java script thanks man you will get the full blog there
Here is the class function of encoding
/example of using the html encode object
// set the type of encoding to numerical entities e.g & instead of &
Encoder.EncodeType = "numerical";
// or to set it to encode to html entities e.g & instead of &
Encoder.EncodeType = "entity";
// HTML encode text from an input element
// This will prevent double encoding.
var encoded = Encoder.htmlEncode(document.getElementById('input'));
// To encode but to allow double encoding which means any existing entities such as
// & will be converted to &
var dblEncoded = Encoder.htmlEncode(document.getElementById('input'),true);
// Decode the now encoded text
var decoded = Encoder.htmlDecode(encoded);
// Check whether the text still contains HTML/Numerical entities
var containsEncoded = Encoder.hasEncoded(decoded);
I have apply this class and upload the code on my server
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Rashid Bilgrami
CEO Best visualization
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