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Showing posts from January, 2013

Schedule Back Up Of Your SQL DB

Dear All, I hope this post save your time, If you need to make the scheduled for daily backup in SQL please follow the following steps: Steps for Generate the SQL Script for backup  1) Right click on the Database 2) Click on Task 3) Click on Backup 4) Click on the Script Button 5) Once you click you will get the script like that BACKUP DATABASE [DNNFrsh] TO DISK = N'Drive:Path\databaseName.bak' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'databaseName-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10GO 6) Right Click on SQL Server Agent 7) Click on the New Job 8) Fill the required name and other field 9) In Step section Paste the Backup query that you generated in the above step 10) After that set the scheduled timings and save it Your schedule is ready now! Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami

Passing more then one parameter in Datalist or Datagrid image button link

Dear Readers, Here is the code that helps you to pass more then one parameters in asp button ASPX or ASCX code  <asp:GridView ID="GridViewUserScraps" ItemStyle-VerticalAlign="Top" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%" runat="server" OnRowCommand="GridViews_RowCommand" >         <Columns>             <asp:TemplateField SortExpression="SendDate">                 <ItemTemplate>                 <asp:Button ID="btnPost" CssClass="submitButton" Text="Comment" runat="server" CommandName="Comment" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("ScrapId")+","+ Eval("UserId")%>' />                 </ItemTemplate>             </asp:TemplateField>         </Columns>     </asp:GridView> Code Behind Function...

Get DNN Module Tab ID or Redirect custom module to another custom module

Dear Friends Its common and easy that how to find the DNN module ID for redirecting one module to another. I am posting for those who did not have an idea how to redirect your one custom module to another through programming public int findPageTabId(string friendlyName, int portalId)         {             int intModTabID = -1;             ModuleInfo objModuleInfo = new ModuleInfo();             ModuleController objModuleContr = new ModuleController();             objModuleInfo = objModuleContr.GetModuleByDefinition(portalId, friendlyName);             intModTabID = objModuleInfo.TabID;             return intModTabID;          } on the button click or any function you can call this function with redirect option    protected void Bu...