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Showing posts from October, 2011

'Web.HttpContext' is not defined. In DNN Chat Module

Dear Readers When you install the dnn chat module it will show the error In App_Code\Chat\DnnChatCodeHelper.vb Line 308: Try Line 309: Dim ctx As Web.HttpContext = Web.HttpContext.Current Line 310: Dim lvstrImageRoot As String = String.Empty Line 311: oCache = ctx.Cache.Get(key) Detailed compiler output says: App_Code\Chat\DnnChatCodeHelper.vb(309) : error BC30002: Type 'Web.HttpContext' is not defined. Solution open the file DnnChatCodeHelper.vb  w hich is located under the folder of App_code\Chat DirectoryName:\\DNNDirectory\App_Code\Chat Search  Dim ctx As Web.HttpContext = Web.HttpContext.Current and change to Dim ctx As System.Web.HttpContext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current Now it will work Regards Rashid Bilgrami