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Showing posts from April, 2012

Convert your HTML Description to Plain text in C# ascx or aspx or code behind page

Replace html pattern to the below line  @"<(.|\n)*?>" Object  <% #Regex.Replace("Your String/ Your Text / Your DB Value" , html pattern, string.Empty)%> Live usage  <%#Regex.Replace(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "descriptionVal").ToString(), @"<(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty) %> I hope it helps you allot Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami CEO Best visualization

How to read the latest post from facebook

Dear  All As per promise i found the solution how to get the latest facebook feeds you need the access token from this url Get the Graph URL Page Name/feed?access_token=Your Access token&limit=5 Replace your page name with your facebook page name appears in the URL Access token with your access token that you will generate from the above URL and limit options to show the top 5 records I hope it helps you allot Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami CEO Bestvisualization

How to get facebook Page ID

Dear All Facebook update the timeline interface and its really hard now to get the facebook page id before that it was in the URL now because of URL rewriting you can't get it. Today i found the way how you get the facebook page id and lot of things FBL is the right place from where you can get your page ID through  Example our Query You will get the ID ;) Enjoy  My next post will be soon in which you will study how to get the latest facebook updated comments in your website  Regards  Rashid Imran Bilgrami  Best Visualization  

Allow DNN register members to create their own blog

Dear All, This issue i have resolved long time back but forgot to enter in my blog, today i face this issue so i am writing it here to save your time :) If you want to allow your dnn register member to create new blog under the blog module then the solution is very simple 1) Deploy Blog module 2) Once you deploy you will find lot of modules on the page, Go to the "New Blog" Module settings 3) Unchecked the inherit setting under the permissions 4) Check register member as view and edit Now log out with host and logged in as register member to see the create blog link :) Have a nice day Regards Rashid Imran Bilgrami CEO Best visualization